Common Issues Getting Started
Starter Kit
Can't edit or Save Files
- Check that the files were extracted from the into a separate folder on your computer
If the zip file is open, you will see .zip at the end of the filename in your file explorer
![Editing the Zip File](/images/GettingStarted/Troubleshooting/EditingTheZipFile.png)
Live Server
Don't see the Page Opened in a Browser
Make sure the .html page (usually index.html) is open in VS Code before starting Live Server
Check other browser tabs
Make sure Live Server started
My Changes are not Updating in the Browser
- Make sure to save all files
- If you see a solid circle next to the filename on any tab, that file has not been saved
Press CTRL + K then press S to save all files
Click on File > Save all will also save all files
Viewing Pages in the Browser
My Styles are not Showing in the Browser
Make sure the .html and .css files are all in the same folder
In all .html files, verify you have the link to the stylesheet
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
Check the spelling of the .css file and the name supplied in the stylesheet link
My Images are not Shown on the page
- Check the spelling of the image file(s) and the name supplied in the anchor
link - Make sure the image file(s) are in the same folder as the .html and .css files