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Course and Starter Files

Download and unzip the starter files

Create Course Folder

It is a good idea to create a folder for all your CS-102 work. This will keep things organized and make it easier to zip up assignments and submit

If you don't already have one, make a folder names Hancock in your user directory. In this folder create another folder for each class. In each class, you can create separate folders for each assignments

  1. Create a Hancock folder (if you don't already have one)
  2. Create a folder named CS-102 inside the Hancock folder
  3. Each time you start an assignment, make a new folder
  4. Copy files from the previous folder into the new folder to start work

Download the Starter Kit

  1. Download the Starter Kit file
  2. Save it in your 1st assignment file
  3. Unzip it before beginning work

Assignments 2, 3 and 4 will build on the work you completed in the previous assignment. When starting each subsequent assignment, copy everything from the previous assignment before beginning


Your CS-102 course folder is setup

The Starter Kit is downloaded into the course folder

You will create a new folder for each assignment and copy the previous assignment's file into the new folder

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